Spatial Maps of Dynamics, Long-Term Human Motion Prediction and the Next Best Smelling Robots
Achim J. Lilienthal, Örebro University
Abstract: In this presentation I will first briefly introduce the Mobile Robot & Olfaction lab at Örebro University, Sweden. Grounded in a basic research interest in perception systems we study, as the name suggests, topics in mobile robotics and mobile robot olfaction (gas-sensitive robots). Following this division, I will present recent work addressing the creation and use of spatial Maps of Dynamics (MoDs), and long-term human motion prediction (mobile robotics) as well as recent developments in mobile robot olfaction, including bout-guided gas source localization and robot assisted gas tomography (mobile robot olfaction).
Bio: Prof. Achim J. Lilienthal is head of the Mobile Robotics and Olfaction Lab at Örebro University, Sweden. His research interests are mobile robot olfaction, rich 3D perception, navigation of autonomous transport robots, human robot interaction and mathematics education research. Achim Lilienthal obtained his Ph.D. in computer science from Tübingen University, Germany and his M.Sc. in Physics from the University of Konstanz, Germany. The Ph.D. thesis addresses gas distribution mapping and gas source localisation with mobile robots. The M.Sc. thesis is concerned with structure analysis of (C60)n+ clusters using gas phase ion chromatography.