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Cornell University


Angelique Taylor is an Assistant Professor at Cornell Tech and in the Information Science Department at Cornell University She received her PhD in Computer Science...

Dr Shepherd is interested in developing disruptive manufacturing technologies (eg, 3D printing, replica molding, microfluidics, etc) and functional materials to enable new devices...

Dr Britney Schmidt and her team develop robotic tools and instruments as well as use spacecraft to study planets Exploring Earth’s ice shelves and glaciers and the oceans...

Natural swarms, such as ants, bees, and termites, exhibit sophisticated colony level behaviors with remarkably scalable and error tolerant properties Their evolutionary success...

Dr Cara M Nunez is an Assistant Professor in the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell University Prior to this, she was a Cornell Provost Faculty...

Nils' research focuses on design and control strategies for systems that operate with uncertainty Evolved biological systems reliably work in cluttered, unstructured, and...

Sang's current work focuses on bringing cutting-edge technology into next generation product experiences—providing future roadmaps for a variety of product lineups as well as...

Dr Daniel Dongyuel Lee is the Tisch University Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University and recently served as Global Head of AI for Samsung Research...

Dr Kao is an Assistant Professor in Human Centered Design, with graduate field faculty appointments in Information Science, and Electrical & Computer Engineering at Cornell...

Malte Jung is an Associate Professor in Information Science at Cornell University and the Nancy H ’62 and Philip M ’62 Young Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow His work in the...

Wendy Ju is an Associate Professor of Information Science at Cornell University She is also an inaugural faculty member of Cornell's new campus-wide multidisciplinary Design Tech...

Yu's research focuses on the system engineering and data analytics for specialty crops and involves interdisciplinary innovation among engineering, computer science, and plant...

Hoffman studies computational, design, and social aspects of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) and Human-AI Interaction His research interests include HRI for complex design tasks;...

Farrell Helbling's research focuses on the design of cm-scale robots Countless science fiction works have set our expectations for small, mobile, autonomous robots for use in a...

Guimbretière's research explores how hardware/software co-design can deliver novel interactions in a broad set of application domains Blending system building and design,...

Susan Fussell is a Professor in the Department of Communication and the Department of Information Science at Cornell University Her research focuses on interpersonal...

Kuan Fang conducts research at the intersection of robotics, machine learning, and computer vision His research aims to enable robots to perform diverse and complex tasks in...

Tapomayukh "Tapo" Bhattacharjee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University where he directs the EmPRISE Lab He completed his PhD in...

Dr Bizyaeva’s research program at Cornell explores mathematical connections between collectively intelligent behavior in biological and social systems, and the design of...

Mark Campbell works in the area of estimation theory and control for autonomous and semi-autonomous systems, with a special emphasis on robotics and aerospace applications...

Sanjiban Choudhury is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Cornell University and a Research Scientist at Aurora Innovation His goal is to create general-purpose AI and...

Professor Ferrari’s research focuses on design and analysis of methods and algorithms for computational intelligence and sensorimotor learning and control Her contributions...

Keith Evan Green’s Architectural Robotics Lab designs, prototypes, and evaluates cyber-physical environments that support and augment us at work, school, and home, as we roam,...

Hadas Kress-Gazit’s research focuses on formal methods for robotics and automation and more specifically on synthesis for robotics – automatically creating verifiable robot...